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Diagenetic Regimes

When foraminifera are buried and fossilized, they are affected by numerous geological processes collectively referred to under the term “diagenesis.“

There are at least six diagenetic regimes in a mature sedimentary basin (McNeil, 1997; McNeil et al., 2011).

They are:

1. early diagenesis

2. meteoric

3. burial

4. overpressure

5. hydrocarbon related

6. tectonic

Characteristics of the burial diagenetic regime (3) are summarized graphically in the two diagrams below.

For more information about burial diagenetic affects on agglutinated foraminifera see the following publications:

McNeil, Issler, and Snowdon (1996)

McNeil (1997)

McNeil, Schultz, Matys, and Bosak (2015)